November 11, 2023


Contrary to popular rhetoric, past performance is a good indicator of future results.

Following several years of pandemics and wars, what's next could be the most brutal geopolitical development to date.

Since 2020, every human being on Earth has felt the authoritative cosh of government intervention. Commencing with the COVID debacle which saw billions of people scaremongered into accepting toxic artificial chemicals, and then moving on to the Ukraine war in 2022, the geopolitical zeitgeist has swiftly shifted to the Israel-Hamas war in 2023. As events unfold at breakneck speed, it is worth remembering that many had predicted the sequence of events unfolding on people's screens.

For years, those who are typically labeled "conspiracy theorists", were screaming from the rooftops that the world was descending into an Orwellian dystopia with several themes being at the forefront of the looming degeneracy; namely, a coercive vaccine agenda, false flag events, government-sponsored psychological operations (psyops), ritualistic wars, and, ultimately, more surveillance and more fearmongering aimed at scaring and cajoling masses of people. History is not just grossly revised, it is grossly written to begin with. Its authors intend to misrepresent the truth to sell everyone a lie.

For the past 3 years, governments across the world have worked together to misinform and manipulate billions of people. The most ironic aspect is that governments manipulate their own citizens while sculpting the historical record to say their interventions are productive and noble. People are told their misfortunes are the faults of other people far away, and that the solution is government intervention, when in fact, their misfortunes are directly enforced by government law -- something that cannot be justified given that the option to opt-out doesn't exist.

The next phase

Given that the health emergency and war cards have been played, the next card is likely to be that of a widespread cyber attack that grinds the world's digitally addicted systems to a halt. 

This speculation is rooted in the fact that all aspects of human life have been subject to government-sponsored manipulation in order to fan fear and paranoia. The only facet of life unaffected so far has been the digital realm. 

With internet connectivity rates making all-time highs, while the dependency on Internet-ready devices and systems reaches critical levels, the end of the wedge could well be a planned cyberattack that sets the stage for governments to restrict internet access amid broader laws to restrain Technology and its use. Most apparent, and most vocal, are likely to be the calls to restrict the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning given their impact on the labour sector. Already, dozens of jobs ranging from content creation to teaching are being undermined by AI, while digital security remains woefully inadequate among most corporations and individuals alike. 

The current state of affairs is similar to the financial sector in 2007 and the health sector in 2019 -- both were lurching forward with huge imbalances. In those two particular sectors, it was said that their sudden crises were "unprecedented" and that no one could have predicted the dire consequences that eventuated as a result of the financial crisis in 2007-09 and the COVID pandemic in 2020-22.

Rinse and repeat

The cybersecurity/digital/internet sector is doing the same lurching motion with the same huge imbalance bubbling below the surface. The status quo, therefore, allows for malicious state actors to intervene by executing a problem-reaction-solution Hegelian dialectic upon the world's populace.

In this case, expect to see the following developments over the next 18 months:

  • Return of Donald Trump as US President
  • Growing anti-Chinese rhetoric with specific reference to digital security
  • Discovery of AI-powered "China Virus" which "replicates" and "spreads"
  • Donald Trump being seen talking about "China Virus 2.0" on social media
  • People panicking as their TV screens are plastered with somber 24-hour news coverage of a worldwide cyberattack leaving internet-reliant services crippled
  • Banks unable/unwilling to dispense cash while online bank accounts are inaccessible
  • Flights grounded for an extended period as hoax plane collision is announced
  • Fabricated train derailment creates fear and cripples train networks
  • Fuel shortage with extensive queues and EV recharging delays
  • Ships at sea stranded and cannot navigate
  • Nuclear power plant meltdown fearmongering
  • Food credits and universal income introduced as basic necessities
  • Commodity shortage blamed on lack of cybersecurity 
  • Coordinated global solution presented as a panacea
  • State of Emergency measures enacted including lockdowns, travel restrictions, forbidden drone deployments
If the psyop/false flag cyberattack narrative is activated, the above will be the prime motifs used to mislead and control people worldwide.

Problem, reaction, solution

Within months, expect to see the following solutions to the problem of malicious digital activity and poor global cybersecurity:
  • Cryptocurrencies to be operated by international agencies with strict oversight regarding crypto purchases/sales
  • All internet service providers (ISPs) will be forced to abide by new government regulations thereby leading to huge consolidation among ISPs. Only the largest, most centralised ISPs will remain
  • Existing national/local cybersecurity policies will be labelled as inadequate while global agencies positioned as the answer to inadequate cybersecurity and poor online moderation
  • A new global cybersecurity agency with a remit to surpass national legislation will be announced and broadly supported by all media in all countries
  • Pretext for greater state control of Internet use including subjecting users to ID verification
  • All Internet access to become licenced similar to driving or operating heavy machinery
  • Online behaviour such as sending viruses or malicious code will be regarded as punishable crimes similar to poisoning someone, or refusing to abide by government lockdown mandates
  • Hackers and Linux users to be scapegoated en masse (similar to anti-vaxxers)
  • New legislation at the regional/global level will target anyone who wants to use computers in controversial or uncommon ways i.e. coding their own software, using Linux, jailbreaking phones, installing unapproved software, copying/sharing software, etc.
For all of the above to become a reality, watch out for these key milestones:
  1. Donald Trump re-elected
  2. Trump's rhetoric and speeches persistently reference cybersecurity risks (especially from China)
  3. Greater proliferation of internet-ready devices/services
  4. Digital payments become exclusive as cash becomes redundant
  5. Greater incidence of news stories referencing malicious Internet activity in China
  6. Major intelligence agencies (UK, EU, UK, Israel) publish worsening cybersecurity briefings and risk warnings as foreshadowing of future cyberattack
  7. Several high-profile cases of individuals being charged and convicted of various cyber crimes
  8. Hackers, Linux users, and non-compliant computer users scapegoated in mainstream media